Friday 16 January 2015

Physiological Factors That Contribute To Depression

There is no one reason as to why people suffer from depression. In fact, if you are suffering from depression then it is more than likely that more than one factor is contributing towards it. On this page I want to take a little look at a few of these factors in a bit of depth. These are the physiological factors. Let’s take a little look shall we?
  • Lack of Exercise: Did you know that lack of exercise is actually a major factor in most cases of depression? Studies have shown time and time again that those with the symptoms of depression who exercise are able to reduce their symptoms considerably. In fact, all they need to do is around thirty minutes of exercise a day.This is one of the physiological factors that can easily be dealt with. Most people actually find that they are no longer on the ‘depression’ scale when they start to exercise more.
  • Lack of Nutrients in Diet: This is the second major physiological factor that can contribute towards depression. Those who suffer from depression often lack Vitamin B in their diet. There plenty of ways that you incorporate more of this into your diet. Supplements are of course one way. I suggest you try it, it really may help you out.
  • Thyroid Problems: Those that suffer from problems with their thyroid tend to be more predisposed to suffering from depressive symptoms. It is unknown as to whether this is down to the medication that these people take or because of the actual condition.
  • Age: I admit, this is not a physiological factor in itself. However, plenty happens during old age physically that can actually lead to depression. As a result, it is no surprise that it is often the elderly who are the ‘biggest group’ of depression sufferers out there.
  • Being a Woman: If you look at all statistics relating to depression, it is considerably more likely that a woman will end up suffering from depression than a man. It is unknown as to what leads to this problem. However, it is a fact. Therefore women should be on the lookout for symptoms more than males.
  • Sleep Issues: Those that suffer from insomnia, or any other sort of sleeping disorder are more likely to suffer from depression at some point in their life. In fact, this is one of the first physiological factors that doctors will look for when trying to determine the root cause of the depression.
  • Various Infections: There are many infections out there that attack our body in such a way that it can destroy our mental processes. Some of these conditions are terminal whilst others can be cured. Some of the known infections that can lead towards depression include Aids, Syphilis, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis, Pneumonia, and HIV.
  • Hormonal Deficiencies: Various conditions that could have an adverse effect on hormones in the body (such as Cushing’s Disease, Addison’s Disease and low amounts of pituitary hormones) are known to contribute towards depression.
  • Heart and Liver Problems: Conditions with either of these organs can lead to severe depression. In fact, many cases of depression are diagnosed after somebody has had a heart attack or a stroke.
  • Medical Conditions: The final physiological factors I wish to mention are various medical conditions. Now, there are hundreds of chronic and terminal conditions which can lead to depression. The most commonly cited ones though include arthritis, cancer, fibromyalgia, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and early on-set Parkinson’s Disease.


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