Thursday 8 January 2015

Cruelty to Animals in India: How Can We Bring an End To It?

Cruelty to animals in India is a concern which the responsible citizens of India cannot ignore. Like human beings, animals are creations of the god and cruelty to animals should be punished in a similar way in which cruelty to human beings is punished in the country. However, is it being implemented in reality? There is considerable doubt. Cruelty to animals in India is rising day by day and it should be stopped by any means.
Types of cruelty meted out to animals in India
Given below are the different types of cruelty meted out to the animals in India:
1. Laboratory testing
Many animals like the rabbit, guinea pig, and monkey are sent to laboratories for different categories of testing. These innocent creatures often have to undergo painful procedures or tests where shampoo, pharmaceutical goods, and body care products are tested on their skin and eyes. On many occasions, they lose their lives or get injured in trying to free themselves from the clamps or hutches.
2. Brushes made from pigskin
Pigs are captured and bristles are pulled from their body when they are alive and they cry in pain. Brushes used for wall painting are manufactured with these bristles or pig body hair. It is definitely a cruelty which asks for severe punishment.
3. Musk deer perfume
The musk deer is an innocent creature which is seen in the Himalayan Mountain Range. This deer is hunted or killed since there is a musk pouch in their body which is used to manufacture musk or Kasturi which is a priced and famous perfume. The animal is trapped in such a manner that is quite painful and it is kept in the same way until the poacher arrives and slays it. The Kasturi or musk perfume is subsequently sold at high prices in the markets.
4. Showpieces made from butterflies
Butterflies are tender and beautiful creatures that also suffer from human cruelty. They are captured in butterfly nets and dried up and preserved to make different types of showpieces.
The variety of showpieces made by taking the lives of butterflies includes breastpins, paperweights, and ornaments.
5. Diet
Chicken, mutton, and cow meat form the diet of different communities in India. For this purpose, millions of chickens, goats, and cows are slaughtered regularly which is indeed an evil act.
6. Silk Products
In India, silk is produced through silkworm reproduction. In this process, thousands of larvae lose their life for generating silk yarns which are subsequently used to manufacture fashion materials.
7. Leather
We unconsciously wear leather products only to become surprised when we know that leather goods are made by killing animals like buffalos, cows, snakes, goats, or crocodiles. The skin of the creature is extracted from the body of the creature which was alive at one point of time. This is certainly a grave crime or cruelty against the animals that make our world a beautiful place to live in. A large number of people think that leather is the by-product of a butchery, which is not the case. Animals are butchered and slaughtered to manufacture leather products such as shoulder bags, footgear, belts, jackets, covers and purses.
8. Zoos
We get thrilled by watching the variety of fauna and avifauna in the zoos of India. Nonetheless, it is a harsh reality that they are confined or caged in the zoos which is an impediment to their freedom. A bird or any other creature is a symbol of independence and happiness in the forests of India or any other part of the world. When we carry away their liberty and confine these innocent creatures in different zoos of the country for mere visual delights, it is out-and-out cruelty. This is tantamount to life imprisonment given to a heinous criminal. The environment of the zoos in India or any other country is artificial, which is a deterrent to the healthy living of the animals kept there. Their movement is restricted and sometimes they don’t get good food to sustain.
9. Circus
We all visit circuses to entertain ourselves. A circus is nothing but an utter ridicule of the splendor of creatures such as the elephant and the lion which is depicted as the king of the jungle. In circuses these creatures are forced to perform daft deeds to amuse the unaware audience. Most of us don’t know that these creatures have to undertake hunger and whippings prior to becoming skilled at doing these feats.
So, is there a way to stop cruelty to animals in India?
After reading all these, you might feel a sense of guilt. It is quite obvious. How many of us are aware about the extent of cruelty to the animals in India? Animal rights organizations like PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) India are taking every measure to stop ill-treatment to the country’s creatures. Organizations like Visakha Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Visakhapatnam, India) are carrying out campaigns about the ill effects of cruelty to animals and raising awareness of this serious issue in the minds of the people.
In 1960, The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act was passed in the Indian Parliament to stop the imposition of needless hurt or torment on animals. The aim was also to modify the regulations associated with the preclusion of inhuman treatment to animals. Following the introduction of this statute, creation of the Animal Board of India took place for the cause of animal safety.
Given below is a list of things that we should and should not do to prevent cruelty to animals in India:
We should –
  • Salvage ill-treated animals
  • Set up mobile clinics for stray dogs, cats and other animals
  • Carry out awareness campaigns for school kids
  • Save wildlife from poachers and hunters
  • Enhance the volunteer base to work for animal welfare
We should not -
  • Use products which have been tested from animals
  • Use perfumes made from animal body parts
  • Use shaving brushes, hairbrushes, and toothbrushes made of animal hair. Instead, we can use artificial bristles.
  • Purchase showpieces that have been made of preserved animals.
  • Support aquariums and zoos
  • Use animal silk
  • Buy leather goods. We can instead buy products that appear like leather and are manufactured from artificial substances. These are more affordable options as well.
  • Go to the circus.
We should remember that birds and animals carry similar feelings like human beings do. They also have families like we have and they get hurt as we do.


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